Useful links

Accessibility tools

If you need to view the website with smaller or larger text you can control this by using your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to change the size of the text, but how you do it depends on what browser you are using. The following list tells you how to change text size with the most popular browsers.

Internet Explorer

  • Select 'View' from the menu bar, then 'Text Size'
  • Select the ideal text size from the list
  • You can also press and hold the 'Alt' key, type 'V' and 'X', then release 'Alt' key and select the text size you'd like from the list
  • If you have a wheel on your mouse you can also increase and decrease the size of the text by holding down the 'CTRL' key, then moving the mouse wheel up and down.


  • Select 'View' from the menu bar, then 'Text Size'
  • Shortcut key is to hold down CTRL control and use the + and - keys to change text size

Google Chrome

You can find out how to set the font size and other accessibility in Google Chrome here

Changing background and text colour

Use the buttons on the top right of the page to change colours and contrast

The JISC toolbar is useful if you want screen text to be read out loud. You can download it from

The BBC also has some useful information on changing your computer and browser settings to make it easier to use the internet, see their advice at